Famous Japanese Blades – Legends of Six Real Samurai Swords (1)

were samurais real katana?
Let's delve into the lore surrounding Japan's six most renowned swords today!
The ancient Japanese referred to the highly respected Japanese sword, known as ‘Nihonto’ simply as ‘katana’ Foreigners actually coined the term ‘Japanese sword’ People started to know about these swords during the late Heian and early Kamakura periods because they were seen as valuable things that Japan sold to other countries.
Legend tells of two illustrious swords from ancient Japan: Muramasa and the famed Masamune. People tell stories about a bold test to check how strong these swords were. In this test, they'd stick both swords in a stream and see if leaves would float towards their edges. Muramasa effortlessly sliced any leaf that touched its blade, showcasing its exceptional sharpness.
Similarly, Masamune's presence diverted leaves away, inspiring awe at its unparalleled resilience. These stories, however, remain in the realm of legend.
Real Samurai often inscribed the names of their master swordsmiths on Japanese swords. One famous swordsmith was Masamune, whose full title is ‘Okazaki Gorou Nyuudou Masamune’.
Legend tells of Masamune, a genius swordsmith who refused to share his secrets with a strange disciple who learned them secretly. Masamune got angry and expelled the disciple, who vowed to make a sword better than Masamune's. While Muramasa swords were known for being extremely sharp, Masamune's swords earned more respect because he stuck to traditional methods.

Nagamitsu Tora:
Known as Nagamitsu Tora, this sword, like most Japanese blades, bears the name of both the sword and its creator.
Born near Sawa Castle, Tora fled to Kanazawa after the Battle of Sekigahara and became a famous swordsmith. By middle age, Tora had perfected his craft, and he used to be called ‘Ancient Iron’.
Tora perfected his craft by middle age. He made blades that were sharp, beautifully designed, and had intricate carvings, making them valuable for both fighting and display. Over time, he changed his name twice and was also known as ‘Ancient Iron’ and ‘Quality Iron’.

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