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This Black Friday, COOLKATANA presents an irresistible collectible for anime enthusiasts—a hand-forged basic edition of Aizen Sosuke's Zanpakuto: Kyoka Suigetsu from BLEACH. As one of the most captivating villains, Aizen’s Zanpakutō is renowned for its powerful illusion abilities. This katana, crafted with 1045 carbon steel and full-tang design, faithfully replicates the sword from the anime and boasts superior craftsmanship. Let’s explore the allure of this sword and the exclusive Black...
Ninja swords, also known as Ninjato (忍刀), are unique weapons used by ninjas throughout Japanese history. Compared to samurai swords (such as Katana and Wakizashi), the design of Ninjato emphasizes stealth and practicality. This article explores the historical evolution of the Ninjato and how modern technology influences the crafting and application of this traditional weapon. Differences Between Ninjato and Samurai Swords Ninjato and samurai swords are two iconic blades...
As Black Friday approaches, COOLKATANA brings an unmissable collectible for anime fans, manga katana enthusiasts, and sword collectors—a handcrafted BLEACH Ichigo Kurosaki Bankai Sword: Tensa Zangetsu Extended Edition. This sword faithfully replicates the iconic weapon from the anime, featuring a 1060 high carbon steel quenched blade that offers unmatched sharpness and durability. Let’s dive into the unique charm of this sword and uncover the exciting Black Friday deals! What...
The History and Characteristics of Tachi Tachi, one of the traditional weapons used by Japanese samurai, is known for its distinctive curve and elegant appearance. The length of the blade typically measures over 3 shaku (1 meter) but less than 5 shaku (approximately 1.5 meters). Depending on the blade length, Tachi shorter than 3 shaku is referred to as Ko-Tachi, while those exceeding 5 shaku are called O-Tachi, or sometimes...